Biological Company Janssen PMP Gets Key Intel for Entering LATAM Market at AgriBusiness Global Event

AgriBusiness Global caught up with Azalea Moore, Global Product Manager for Biostimulants at Janssen PMP, about her experience at the recent AgriBusiness Global℠ LATAM Conference in Panama City, Panama. Moore explained how events like this one are important in helping to foster connections within the agriculture industry.

ABG: What did you find useful from the event?
Azalea Moore:  
The speaker and panel series were of most interest to me. Learning about the LATAM market needs, current practices, and obstacles to success — hearing directly from those closest to the end-user — carries more weight than getting information from consultants and internet searches. The second was creating personal relationships with LATAM end-users. And lastly, it was very assuring to know the LATAM market is open to increased use of biologicals, even though the road to product launch and success is rough.


ABG: Were you able to develop business in this region?

Janssen PMP’s Azalea Moore at the LATAM Conference in Panama City, Panama in May 2024.

AM: Attendance from market leaders and key opinion leaders (KOLs) made it worthwhile. Attending these types of events are also great for business development, as companies tend to find partners and distributors for their products. As a company looking to expand our portfolio, this is appealing.

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ABG: What was your experience as far as acclimating to the conference environment?
AM: I felt welcomed from the moment I picked up my badge to the moment the conference ended. Juan Rivera, International Business Manager for AgriBusiness Global, introduced himself to me and offered to introduce me to any attendee I wanted to meet — and I took him up on that offer. Again, thank you to the team for the hospitality and thoughtfulness into putting together this year’s conference.

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